16 Things You Shouldn’t Say To Guys Who Can’t Grow Beards

The pain of suffering from “Boy Face” should not be underestimated.

“You're so lucky that you don't have to shave every day.”

"You're so lucky that you don't have to shave every day."

And you're so lucky I haven't yet kicked you in the face.


“I hate how itchy my beard is.”

"I hate how itchy my beard is."

Also, my swimming pool is too big, there aren't enough days in the week to drive all my cars, and my girlfriend's endless sex drive is getting in the way of my social life!



“You've grown a beard? Umm, where is it?”

"You've grown a beard? Umm, where is it?"

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but slagging off my beard will make me die inside.


“I haven't shaved since yesterday.”

"I haven't shaved since yesterday."

As they stand there stroking their MASSIVE beard.

Via inharryspants.tumblr.com

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