Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson Rumors – Separating Fact From Fiction, Part 4


Although it’s been nearly two weeks since Kristen Stewart’s indiscretion was revealed, outlets are still spewing forth a series of fabricated stories.

Through it all, Gossip Cop has been busy working — sometimes triple time — to investigate what’s fact and what’s fiction about Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and others affected by the developments.

Here is the latest Gossip Cop has learned from our sources:

(1) RadarOnline reported earlier in the week that Stewart has been “banished” from the New York premiere of Pattinson’s movie Cosmopolis on August 13. The webloid said there was a fear the actress would crash the event, and “security staff have been told to keep her away from the red carpet and after party… in fear she may use it as an excuse to speak with R-Pattz in person.” There isn’t a single iota of truth to the story. Gossip Cop spoke with numerous people involved with the premiere, and they all say the RadarOnline story is a complete, made-out-of-thin-air lie.

(2) There was much talk, too, about Stewart being cast in Lie Down in Darkness. RadarOnline reported Stewart “has been reveling in the glory of beating The Hunger Games beauty, Jennifer Lawrence — whom she sees as her biggest rival — to the lead role in the big screen adaptation of William Styron’s novel.” The site added that Stewart even “danced a jig of delight when she found out she beat Jennifer Lawrence to a movie role.” One teensy weeny problem: While Stewart is in the running for the lead of Peyton Loftis, no one has been cast yet in the movie, according a source involved in the film’s production. No way to dance around that flub. Oops.

(3) A number of sites including HollywoodLies, er, HollywoodLife picked up another RadarOnline piece that stated Stewart is now staying with Welcome to the Rileys producer Giovanni Agnelli. It’s true Stewart and Agnelli are pals, but she is NOT staying with him, multiple source confirm to Gossip Cop.

(4) Following up on that report, RadarOnline — which clearly hasn’t been very reliable about any of the parties involved — claimed a “super angry” Pattinson has has been “calling [Agnelli] a lot since Kristen has been there,” and has “accused Giovanni of sleeping with Kristen too.” Building on its fabricated story that Stewart is staying with Agnelli — which she is NOT – the webloid upped the ante and said Pattinson accused them of “having [an] affair.” Enough! This is ALL NOT TRUE.

Obviously, this is a tough time for everyone, but it need not be complicated by manufactured stories about Pattinson and Stewart.

Nevertheless, Gossip Cop will continue to provide updated, factual news as well as correct the avalanche of inaccurate rumors.

PHOTOS – Kristen out in L.A.

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Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson Rumors – Separating Fact From Fiction, Part 4


Although it’s been nearly two weeks since Kristen Stewart’s indiscretion was revealed, outlets are still spewing forth a series of fabricated stories.

Through it all, Gossip Cop has been busy working — sometimes triple time — to investigate what’s fact and what’s fiction about Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and others affected by the developments.

Here is the latest Gossip Cop has learned from our sources:

(1) RadarOnline reported earlier in the week that Stewart has been “banished” from the New York premiere of Pattinson’s movie Cosmopolis on August 13. The webloid said there was a fear the actress would crash the event, and “security staff have been told to keep her away from the red carpet and after party… in fear she may use it as an excuse to speak with R-Pattz in person.” There isn’t a single iota of truth to the story. Gossip Cop spoke with numerous people involved with the premiere, and they all say the RadarOnline story is a complete, made-out-of-thin-air lie.

(2) There was much talk, too, about Stewart being cast in Lie Down in Darkness. RadarOnline reported Stewart “has been reveling in the glory of beating The Hunger Games beauty, Jennifer Lawrence — whom she sees as her biggest rival — to the lead role in the big screen adaptation of William Styron’s novel.” The site added that Stewart even “danced a jig of delight when she found out she beat Jennifer Lawrence to a movie role.” One teensy weeny problem: While Stewart is in the running for the lead of Peyton Loftis, no one has been cast yet in the movie, according a source involved in the film’s production. No way to dance around that flub. Oops.

(3) A number of sites including HollywoodLies, er, HollywoodLife picked up another RadarOnline piece that stated Stewart is now staying with Welcome to the Rileys producer Giovanni Agnelli. It’s true Stewart and Agnelli are pals, but she is NOT staying with him, multiple source confirm to Gossip Cop.

(4) Following up on that report, RadarOnline — which clearly hasn’t been very reliable about any of the parties involved — claimed a “super angry” Pattinson has has been “calling [Agnelli] a lot since Kristen has been there,” and has “accused Giovanni of sleeping with Kristen too.” Building on its fabricated story that Stewart is staying with Agnelli — which she is NOT – the webloid upped the ante and said Pattinson accused them of “having [an] affair.” Enough! This is ALL NOT TRUE.

Obviously, this is a tough time for everyone, but it need not be complicated by manufactured stories about Pattinson and Stewart.

Nevertheless, Gossip Cop will continue to provide updated, factual news as well as correct the avalanche of inaccurate rumors.

PHOTOS – Kristen out in L.A.

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