Truth rating: 10
10:48 am, February 1st, 2012
Not only does New Jersey have a problem with Snooki, but it seems Snooki has a problem with New Jersey.
On Wednesday, the “Jersey Shore” cast member declared on Twitter that the state’s governor, Chris Christie, would never get her vote in a presidential election.
RELATED – Snooki Endorses Donald Trump
It’s important to note, of course, that Christie has repeatedly said he has no plans to make a run for the White House in 2012, but Snooki was riled up, anyway.
“I will not be voting for Chris Christie. Love always, the ‘buffoons’ from that degrading Jersey Shore show,” she tweeted.
The reality star added, “I DEF don’t want a judgmental president who has NEVER met me in person. F that.”
In September, Christie blocked “Jersey Shore” producers from receiving a massive tax credit because the show “does nothing more than perpetuate misconceptions about the state and its citizens,” he said.
In her Twitter rant, Snooki said she intends to “stick w [Barack] Obama.”
As for Christie, “a man wanting to be president&calling us names when he’s never met thanks,” she said.
No comment yet from the governor on losing the key Snooki endorsement for a non-existent presidential run.
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