DJ Envy Picks Up Ferrari 488 GTB

DJ Envy’s car collection has been, and continues to be one of the best around! His latest pickup is the new Ferrari 488 GTB in a classic Ferrari red color scheme! When you get to his level you can’t just own a Ferrari, you have to have the latest and greatest. Like many other Ferrari owners, he presumably traded in his “old” Ferrari 458 for the new ride. With so many cars in his garage, we just hope he gets to fully appreciate this one!

DJ Envy New Ferrari 488 GTBDJ Envy Ferrari

DJ Envy Ferrari 488 GTBDJ Envy Ferrari 488

Source (@djenvy)

Thank you Carl for the tip!

Posted in DJ Envy, Featured, Ferrari |

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Gordon Ramsay Cruising In His Ferrari California

Gordon Ramsay is a well known Ferrari enthusiast. When he’s not cruising around in London in his F12 TDF or LaFerrari,  you can find him in California in his… Ferrari California! It’s only fitting the he opts for the latest convertible model when hanging out on the sunny west coast. I mean, wouldn’t you do the same!?


Posted in Featured, Ferrari, Gordon Ramsay |

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