15 Captivating Images Of Old Manila Compared To Today

See how the historic city of Manila has changed in the last one hundred years.

Calle Escolta (1898)

Calle Escolta (1898)

Calle Escolta was Manila's cultural center and business emporium. The street was only four blocks long but it hosted prime establishments where were frequented by the country's most important residents and visitors. It is said that, at the turn of the century, about ten thousand carriages rolled through the cobblestones of Calle Escolta daily.

Via gutenberg.org

Via en.wikipedia.org

Calle Rosario

Calle Rosario

The district of Binondo was an important commercial district in the 1900's and Calle Rosario was where the Chinese shops were. Today, Binondo is known as the oldest Chinatown in the world, and at the eastern end of Calle Rosario (now called Quintin Paredes Street) is where you'll find the Chinese-Filipino friendship arch.

Via loc.gov

Via Flickr: infanticida

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