13 Rookie Mistakes I Made The First Time I Went To The VMAs

I was invited to attend the VMAs as a guest (i.e., a non-VIP). This is what it’s like for everyone who isn’t allowed on the red carpet.

Wearing heels.

Wearing heels.

The first lesson I learned is that no one knows where the hell the ACTUAL entrance to the VMAs is. You know how you see the celebs casually strolling the red carpet and then relaxing inside? That wasn't me as a guest at the VMAs. I had to park no less than a mile from the venue and walk across barren parking lots with tumbleweeds until I found a group of people who seemed to know where they were going.

Jason Merritt / Getty Images Entertainment

Following the crowd.

Following the crowd.

Once I made it through the barren parking lots, I began to follow the large crowd. I was already sweating at this point and seriously wondering why I had thought wearing heels was a good idea. Next thing I knew, I realized we were walking away from the venue. WHERE WERE WE GOING? Was it a secret side entrance with a carpet and air-conditioning awaiting us? Nope. It was the Maroon 5 stage outside, in the sun, in another parking lot.

Frazer Harrison / Getty Images Entertainment

Wearing my hair down.

Wearing my hair down.

After realizing the crowd let me astray, I walked approximately 24 miles back across parking lots until I found someone who seemed to ACTUALLY know what was going on. She informed me that I needed to stand in line. I looked at the line and began to silently cry while dreaming of my couch at home. It was at least 300 people deep. In the California sun. On pavement. I slowly made my way to the back. As I walked, my scalp began to shed tears of sweat. The sweat made its way through my curls. My curls became limp and sad.

Jason Merritt / Getty Images Entertainment

Not bringing food.

Not bringing food.

Spoiler alert: There's no buffet inside the VMAs. :( I looked, I searched, I scoured. I was dreaming of ice cream, hors d'oeuvres, maybe a fruit platter. There was nothing. NOTHING. I eventually found some concession stands that sold popcorn and hot dogs, but they cost more than my rent, so I went on to find my seat, hungry, dreaming of In-N-Out.

John M. Heller / Getty Images Entertainment

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