11 Rather Splendid Facts You May Not Have Known About London

Wait, there are how many Londons? Thanks, knowledgable denizens of Quora !

London gets less rain than New York City.

London gets less rain than New York City.

It's true. On average, London gets 29 inches of rainfall per year, whereas 47.2 inches fall annually in New York City.

Thinkstock. / Via quora.com

Think you know Big Ben? Think again.

Think you know Big Ben? Think again.

The Clock Tower was erected in 1859, and in 2012 it was renamed "Elizabeth Tower" to reflect the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. It is the bell within the tower that's actually called Big Ben – not the tower itself.

However, it's worth noting that the bell's official name is "The Great Bell". "Big Ben" is just a nickname. So, really, not a damn thing in that tower is called Big Ben. Life is a journey.

Thinkstock / commons.wikimedia.org / Creative Commons / Via quora.com

More than 10,000 foxes live in London.

More than 10,000 foxes live in London.

Foxes thrive in parks and gardens, and have even been accused of killing penguins at London Zoo.

Thinkstock / Via quora.com

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