23 Things You Don’t Have To Apologize For In College

Sorry, don’t be sorry.

Going shopping for more socks and underwear so you don't have to do laundry.

Going shopping for more socks and underwear so you don't have to do laundry.

With all the quarters you use to actually do your wash, you might as well opt for brand new undergarments instead.

CBS / Via yogabbygurl.tumblr.com

Celebrating Halloween for four nights instead of just one.

Celebrating Halloween for four nights instead of just one.

What's wrong with having an excuse to dress up, party, and have fun?

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / Via claireelizabethbavis.tumblr.com

Getting drunk on a Wednesday night.

Getting drunk on a Wednesday night.

It's the day before Thursday, so it practically counts as the weekend.

Universal Pictures / Via televandalist.com

Waiting until the last day to add or drop your classes.

Waiting until the last day to add or drop your classes.

If it's technically allowed, then what's the big deal?

MTV / Via weheartit.com

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