15 Things Flat-Chested Girls Will Understand

Not exactly got a Kate Upton situation going on in the chestal region? Don’t worry, sister, you’re not alone. *Stuffs bra with Kleenex*

At the beach, you hear such remarks as: "Hey, why is that thirteen-year-old BOY wearing a bikini?"

At the beach, you hear such remarks as: "Hey, why is that thirteen-year-old BOY wearing a bikini?"

HAHA. Good one.

crushable.com / Via crushable.com

You may laugh it off, but inside you're all like:

You may laugh it off, but inside you're all like:

youtube.com / Via thehollywoodgossip.com

When you lie down... they disappear.

When you lie down... they disappear.

Magic boobies.

Via reactiongifs.me

You often have to stop and check they're still there.

You often have to stop and check they're still there.

Phew, thought I'd lost 'em for a sec.

Via gifyo.com

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