Every summer, without fail. Also, Jerry Springer takes on the bronies and the New Zealand held a really weird beauty contest.
8 sped up videos that will forever change how you see ordinary things. - [Cracked]
Could the memory hacking concept from Total Recall be on its way to reality? - [Time]
Jerry Springer has angered the bronies. This could get ugly. - [GammaSquad]
20 awesome wedding invitations with a geeky flair. - [Oddee]
"Man, Facebook has been awesome for my self-esteem!" Words said by no one, ever. - [HLN]
Flags still right where we left them on the moon, but have faded to a ghostly white. - [Tecca]
For reason's known only to New Zealand, one of their schools held a best dressed dead opossum competition. - [DeathAndTaxes]
So adorable! 7 interspecies adoptions to melt your heart. - [TheFrisky]
Headline Story: Be sure to click through to see all the other summer sports you never knew you were pro at. - [CollegeHumor]