Paula Deen Discusses Her Diabetes Backlash

This morning on the “Today Show,” the Queen of southern-fried cooking showed up to explain whether or not the huge backlash against her announcement that she has diabetes hurt her feelings and to show off one of her healthy(ish) recipes. Can you believe it's the one-year anniversary of Paula Deen Riding on Things already?

Somehow, Paula saw all of the cruel comments and internet bullying as a positive:

"God has given me a blessing because my mother and daddy died very young and I'm so proud that I get to live so long enough to be a member of the baby boomers -- and to even have to deal with something like this."

But wait! They're at the Food Network's Wine and Food festival in Miami, you say? The same festival where Paula Deen acted drunk and then was photographed riding on top of a man? Hell yes it was. That means it's the one year anniversary of Paula Deen Riding On Things. Let us take a moment to celebrate.



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