Watching childhood tv theme songs in slow motion is a window into how our teenage siblings saw them. Without the need to actually imbibe drugs or alcohol.
So what did donkey semen taste like anyway? - [TMZ]
The NBA does not cook, especially not for Super Bowl parties. - [Yahoo]
Slowing down opening themes to our childhood tv shows is more traumatizing than any D.A.R.E. after school special. - [HuffingtonPost]
Newsflash: Americans are fat because we're lazy. - [TheAtlantic]
The most beautiful street in the world. If you're into nature and stuff. - [Treehugger]
Virtual reality offers real pain relief to veterans with burns. - [GQ]
25 pop culture villains you'll never take seriously again. - [Pajiba]
Nicolas Cage comes to grips with the fact that his hair looks ridiculous. - [Videogum]
Digital tumbleweeds are rolling through Twitter. - [Tecca]
Photo: Continuing their streak of pretending Starlets Of Color do not exist, Vanity Fair's Hollywood cover is excessively white. - [Flavorwire]