Courtney on The Bachelor: I Want to Rip Emily’s Head Off



One of the first real cat fights of the season went down on “The Bachelor” Monday night, with Courtney declaring she wants to “verbally assault” Emily, “rip her head off,” and possibly even “shave her eyebrows off” while she’s sleeping.



It all started when Emily told Ben during their one-on-one that Courtney was fake and acted differently around the girls than she did around him.

Courtney got wind of Emily’s comments, and things got a bit crazy from there.

“I almost want to rip her head off and verbally assault her,” she says in an aside to Casey S.

Courtney then confronts Emily in front of all the other women, and ends their little tete-a-tete with a quip that pretty much sums up her personality on the show thus far.

“Winning,” she snipes, as she’s already received a rose from Ben on the group date, whereas Emily has not.

In the end, Monica Spannbauer gets the boot, along with Samantha Levey, whom Ben eliminates before the rose ceremony when she confronts him about not getting a one-on-one date.

At the end of the episode, the cast learns they’re going to Puerto Rico, and Courtney makes a point to say she was “just there two weeks ago.”

Of course she was.

Watch the clip below, and be sure to check back later for more video!

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