49 Thoughts Everyone Has While Watching “The Leftovers”

What did I just watch?

1. Yay, it's Sunday night! Time to surrender any happiness I've felt during the day so I can bum myself out by watching The Leftovers!
2. I wonder where all those people vanished to.
3. What does GR stand for again?
4. I have literally never heard Laurie speak. I wonder what her voice sounds like.
5. How does Patti manage to be so scary even when she's not saying anything?
6. I bet the GR people talk to themselves when they're alone.
7. Maybe they sing really quietly in the shower so the water drowns their voices out.
8. Wow, Justin Theroux is hot.

HBO / Via bonefireinthesky.tumblr.com

9. Even these opening credits are making me anxious.
10. The art is kinda cool though.
11. Oh, right, this is a Damon Lindelof show. That explains a lot.
12. Seriously, where did all those people go?
13. Jill's entire wardrobe looks straight out of a Gap catalog.
14. She really needs to lighten up and be nicer to her dad.
15. Wait, what the hell are these high schoolers doing? I definitely didn't do stuff like that when I was a teenager.
16. How do they think choking and trapping each other is fun?
17. Kevin has probably said "fuck you" to every single character on this show.

HBO / Via theleftoversdaily.tumblr.com

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