A Guide To Finding Four-Leaf Clovers Just In Time For St. Patrick’s Day

Supposedly, there is 1 four-leaf clover for every 10,000 three-leaf clovers. So get out there and get lucky.

Michelle Porucznik for BuzzFeed

Know what you’re looking for!

Know what you’re looking for!

A four-leaf clover is actually a genetic mutation of the three-leaf clover (shamrock) that can be caused by a rare recessive gene or environmental causes. These mutations grow in groups, so if you find one, you’re bound to find many more!

Michelle Porucznik for BuzzFeed

Start big.

Start big.

Find a large patch and look around from standing height. Don’t get on your hands and knees with a magnifying glass! Brush over the clovers lightly with your feet to look for patterns, trying to expose any mutations.

Michelle Porucznik for BuzzFeed

For example, patches that have lots of height variant, edges of patches near sidewalks or anything not green, etc. so that it's easier on your eyes in all the clutter.

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