What Sporting Accomplishments Are Rarer Than Pitching A Perfect Game?

There are a few, but not many.

Image by Otto Greule Jr / Getty Images

Perfect games are special. From a merely athletic standpoint, a pitcher retiring 27 batters in a row seems almost impossible — that's 27 successful rounds with guys who usually get a hit one out of five times, at worst, and one out of three times, at best. And from an historical perspective, their sacredness has been proven: there have only been 23 perfect games thrown in over 130 years of baseball, and 14 since 1970. The most recent, of course, was Wednesday's Felix Hernandez perfecto against the Tampa Bay Rays — the first in the Seattle Mariners' history.

Perfect games are one of sports' statistical Holy Grails, but there are others. Here are some single-game athletic accomplishments in baseball, basketball, and football that have happened even fewer times in the last 42 years.


Hit Four Home Runs

Hit Four Home Runs

Image by Jim McIsaac / Getty Images

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