Watch Stephen Malkmus Play Pavement Songs By Himself In Germany

You'd toss a dollar in his cup if he was doing this on the street, right?

Indie rock legend Stephen Malkmus doesn't play a lot of solo gigs, but when he does, it's usually interesting and pretty much the only time he plays songs from all over his career as opposed to just focusing on either Pavement or the Jicks. Earlier this summer, Malkmus played a couple low key afternoon sets at the Museum Ludwig in Köln, Germany. (He actually moved to Berlin with his family last year, which at least sorta explains why this happened.) The sets were extremely laid back, and mixed brand new unreleased songs with a generous helping of Pavement classics, including a few numbers – like the rowdy punk tune "Unfair" - that he's never played on his own. The new songs haven't made their way to YouTube, but the Pavement songs have. You can check those out below, but be warned: The dude clearly did not rehearse and was just winging it up there, so it gets pretty sloppy.

"Range Life"


"Heaven Is A Truck"


"Shady Lane"


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