Please Stop Trying To Make Joseph Gordon-Levitt And Zooey Deschanel Happen

You're making JGL all sorts of uncomfortable. That and more in today's CelebFeed Gossip Roundup!

Joseph Gordon-Levitt tells Playboy that he'd really like it if people would just shut up about how they want he and Zooey Deschanel to get together:

Image by HO / Reuters

“It’s awkward when people say that. Whatever. Zooey and I just think it’s funny. It is funny. We’ve been friends for 10 years. She loves movies, music and art, and she’s incredibly knowledgeable about that stuff. She’s turned me on to so many good movies and so much good music. It’s fun just to have conversations, watch movies with her and stuff like that.”

Chris Brown and Drake are being sued to the tune of 20 MILLION DOLLARS for the brawl they got into at a New York City nightclub.


Here's Elisabetta Canalis and Steve-O on the red carpet proving that the pair are definitely a couple. Wow! Elisabetta went from George Clooney to Dancing With The Stars to a Jackass in less than two years. Must be some kind of record?

Image by Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images

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