Having a bad day? Cheer up! Here are some tips to help you navigate the remainder of the week.
Make Ice Cube Popsicles, Eat Them For Breakfast
Use leftover juice or yogurt to make an ice cube tray full of popsicles overnight. Start your day with a healthy treat that's more fun than your usual bowl of oatmeal.
Source: 1.bp.blogspot.com / via: dailygnome.com
Use Cute Incentive Sites To Complete Your Work
Got a paper to write? Use Written? Kitten!, a writing aid that rewards you with kitten pictures. Don't like kittens? (YOU MONSTER.) Use the puppy version. Majoring in math? Use Problem Set? Marmoset!
Source: infotrope.net / via: infotrope.net
Organize Your Books Chromatically
Because your house is happier when it has more rainbows in it.
Source: farm4.static.flickr.com / via: postertext.com
Surprise People With Cupcakes
One of the best ways to feel better about yourself is to do something nice for other people. Bake cupcakes for your co-workers or classmates and surprise them with treats at lunchtime.
Source: penniesonaplatter.com / via: penniesonaplatter.com