Rare "Flying Rainbow" Caught On Camera And Other Links

Damn Nature, you pretty! Plus a giant squid washed up on the shore of Australia and Star Wars has made an obscene amount of money.

Insects would be the size of birds of prey if dinosaurs hadn't started killing them. Good job dinosaurs! - [DeathAndTaxes]

The 90s were a strange time, filled with big attitude, pint-sized rap artists. - [Gurl]

At thirteen foot squid washed up on the shore of Australia. We're off the map now, here there be monsters. - [HuffingtonPost]

Rummy Bears, stumbling here and there and everywhere! - [SeriousEats]

Over the course of its 25 year life, the Star Wars franchise has made so much money Scrooge McDuck would be jealous. - [GammaSquad]

Minecraft was like LEGO in a digital universe and now there is LEGO Minecraft which is honestly pretty meta. The circle of life is complete. - [Tecca]

Public punishments are embarrassing for the perpetrator and hilarious for everyone else. - [Oddee]

Facebook sends out a warning that hundreds of thousands of people may lose their Internet in July. Time to polish up on your Mad Max skills for the inevitable apocalypse. - [FoxNews]

Let's break down 10 best medieval battle scenes in movies: swords, arrows and lots of guttural yelling. - [NYMag]

Headline Story: The rare cloud effect illuminated the skies of southern China. - [DailyMail]


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