Ahhh, the traditional People Magazine photo spread. Plus a minor celebrity takes to the treadmill in heels and Sheryl Crow can't catch a break when it comes to her health.
Behind the scenes of Game of Thrones hair and wardrobe choices. - [Fashionista]
One of Demi Moore's daughters was arrested for drinking underage without being an A-List celebrity. - [TheSuperficial]
Lee Ann Rimes jogs in stilettos which is both crazy and impressive. - [RadarOnline]
Octomom's porn star pose plus lighting plus photoshop plus squinting makes her look pretty hot. - [TMZ]
There's spoiled cats and then there's "has two personal maids" spoiled cats. - [Glamour]
Arrogant douche complains that whiny brat humiliated him in song form. - [JustJared]
Dakota Fanning's dress is giving me a seizure and distracting me from her crazy shoes. - [GoFugYourself]
First came cancer and now Sheryl Crow has a (benign) brain tumor. Lady can't catch a break. - [PinkIsTheNewBlog]