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2:03 pm, March 14th, 2012
EXCLUSIVEAccording to In Touch, Joel Madden and Nicole Richie are having “marriage woes.”
The tabloid cites a so-called “friend” as saying that the couple is in trouble with Madden filming the Australian version of “The Voice” and that their marriage is “strained.”
Gossip Cop has debunked previous rumors of the marriage allegedly being “in crisis,” and this time, Madden himself is responding.
In an exclusive statement to Gossip Cop, Madden blasts the In Touch report and others like it.
“I don’t usually comment on gossip, but seeing as this is something that is defaming my character and the sanctity of my marriage and family, I feel like I have to make something clear,” says the Good Charlotte singer.
He continues, “I understand the nature of gossip media, and I accept that. However much I do understand people’s need to be entertained by creating stories for blogs and tabloids, I take my responsibilities as a father, and as a husband very seriously.”
“My wife and my children are the most important thing in the world to me,” says Madden.
He explains, “I try very hard to be the father that [daughters] Harlow and Sparrow need and deserve, and the husband I believe Nicole deserves. I care way more about these things than I do about any job I could ever do, song I could ever write, or success I could ever find in what I think is the silliest business in the world.”
“I love music and will always work the hardest I can to provide for my family, but not at any cost. My family’s well being and privacy will always come first,” declares Madden.
He continues, “I would never usually go out of my way to comment on these things, and I by no means plan on starting, I just felt the need to say this because if in fact my children do read all the stories that have and will be written by a media that does not care about sacred things like family and marriage, I hope they also find this statement.”
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