Sure it's for his role in “Les Miserables” but that is some dedication. Plus one Harry Potter star has landed in jail and Canadian political ad campaigns are just as controversial as in the States. These and other Buzz that flew under the radar await your clicking pleasure.
The Pirate Bay hastens Skynet's awakening by planning to release drones into the sky. - [Geekosystem]
"Harry Potter" star sentenced to two years in jail for their part in the London Riots. - [DeathAndTaxes]
What does the future hold for the characters of "Mad Men"? - [Vulture]
Pinterest has become a haven for pro-anorexia bloggers. - [TheAtlanticWire]
What would Scarlett O'Hara listen to if she had lived in the age of mix tapes? - [Flavorwire]
Nicki Minaj is the new face of huge brand. - [JustJared]
NASA is being sued for religious discrimination. - [Time]
7 reasons (as if you needed more) not to friend your mom on Facebook. - [GeeksAreSexy]
Canadian bus ad campaign faux pas will make you giggle like the ten year old you secretly are. - [TheAwl]
Headline Story: Hugh Jackman is serious about playing a member of the proletariat in Revolutionary Era France. - [Celebuzz]