Kellogg’s Creates "Totes Amazeballs" Cereal Based On A Twitter Joke

So this is pretty cool: after Tim Burgess, of the band The Charlatans, tweeted a joke about inventing a new cereal called “Totes Amazeballs,” Kellog's made it and then sent the frontman a box of the cereal. Hold on a second: is Kellog's cereal cool again?

Unfortunately, they only made one box. Burgess explained the whole story to AdFreak:

"I heard someone use the expression Totes Amazeballs, and it sounded like something from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I sent a cheeky tweet saying I'd invented a new cereal and that Kellogg's were interested. But within an hour they'd got in touch."

A spokeswoman for Kellog's UK continued the story:

"It all came about a few weeks ago when Tim tweeted his fans about wanting to create a super cereal called Totes Amazeballs. We really try to make the most of Twitter here at Kellogg's, and when we saw the tweet, we knew we had to make something special for him."

Sooo, Kellog's: how about a box of BuzzFeedio's or BuzzFeaties for our office?

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