Liar, liar!
On Monday's all-new episode of The Bachelor, a desperate Courtney Robertson tries to pull Ben Flajnik aside for some one-on-one time to come clean about her relationship with the other women in hopes that her honesty will earn her bonus points in the end stages of the competition.
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"I tried really hard to be nice with [the other women], but that's a really unique situation for me," she says in the preview clip above. "I'd say something and they'd jump on me. I had my guard up."
Little does Flajnik know, however, Robertson said more than a few hurtful things to her fellow cast members.
VIDEO: What the other bachelorettes hate most about Courtney
The new issue of Us Weekly reports that ruthless Robertson had some choice nicknames for the other finalists.
When returning to Scottsdale, Ariz., to film the February 20 hometown-visits episode, Robertson told family members she "had it all wrapped up" and didn't see any competition from Lindzi Cox or Nicki Sterling, whom she dubbed "Horsey" and "Fatty" respectively.
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Warned multiple times by the other bachelorettes to "tread lightly" around Robertson, Flajnik appears to finally be seeing her true colors.
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Watching her scheming ways each week on TV "really bothers him," says a pal. After popping the question to Ashley Hebert on The Bachelorette last year and being rejected, "Ben once again feels like he was fooled," says his friend. "He figured that on The Bachelor, he would have more control of the situation, but he had the wool pulled over his eyes and feels like a loser again."