6:13 pm, February 1st, 2012
She may be playing a porn star in the upcoming Lovelace, but Amanda Seyfried tells Glamour she has no plans to go totally naked on film.
“I’m pretty sure I would never do a full frontal in a movie — for personal reasons, I wouldn’t really want to show that,” explains the 41st most desirable woman in the world.
She also says that despite the laundry list of Hollywood bachelors to whom she’s been linked, she’s not going through a “twenties slut” phase.
“I’m terrified of being promiscuous,” says Seyfried. “I don’t like the feeling you get when it’s not something that you truly want to do, and I hate the emotional abuse you give yourself afterward.”
The actress adds, “I think dating can come without sex.”
And she doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
“I think that’s a really fun way to do it. Right now I’m happy to not have someone’s naked body around me,” reveals Seyfried. “Except for my dog’s.”
Check out more PHOTOS from Seyfried’s Glamour shoot below!
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