Jersey Shore's Vinny Guadagnino abruptly left the MTV shore house on last Thursday's episode, and when the reality hit picks up this week, his BFF Paul "Pauly D" Del Vecchio remains at a loss without his favorite roomie.
PHOTOS: Jersey Shore's wildest moments
To help lift his spirits on his 31st birthday this past summer, Del Vecchio's family concocted the perfect surprise: They brought his hometown barber to Seaside Heights to give him a brand-new 'do.
"My mother pulled it together and made it happen: She brought my barber here to cut my hair for my birthday. It's the best gift I ever had in my life," Del Vecchio enthuses in an exclusive preview from Thursday's show.
VIDEO: Why Vinny left Jersey Shore's fifth season
Fellow roommate Ronnie Ortiz-Magro is happy to see his pal smile again. "This is the happiest Pauly's been since Vinny left," he confirms. "Smiling check to cheek over a haircut."
Argues Del Vecchio: "I love my mom and family, but my barber really made my birthday happen. I'm back to being FTD - Fresh to Death. I'm the freshest person in Seaside again!"
VIDEO: Inside Vinny and Pauly's bromance
Watch the clip above for more of Del Vecchio's birthday surprise and tune in to the full episode of Jersey Shore Thursday at 10 p.m. (EST) on MTV to see how the rest of the house reacts to Guadagnino's departure.