12:44 pm, January 29th, 2012
A member of the New York condo board whose strict rules about pit bulls may have led distraught soap actor Nick Santino to euthanize his dog and kill himself says she takes no responsibility for the tragic development.
“I’m sorry the man is dead, but it has nothing to do with the pet policy,” Marilyn Fireman tells the New York Post.
She adds, “You just assumed that [Santino's suicide] was a result of a board’s decision.”
The actor, who appeared on “All My Children” and “Guiding Light,” was reportedly depressed in recent months, and particularly devastated about his building’s complaints concerning his beloved pit bull, Rocco.
On Tuesday, a grief-stricken Santino put his dog to sleep, wrote a suicide note, and overdosed on pills.
His sister says he and Rocco’s ashes will be buried together.
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